Why All The Knives???
I know that the past 5 weeks have not been easy on any of Liverpool FC's fans to endure. The team has not really played all that well, things in the boardroom also have not been kind. Rumours of businessmen from China, Hong Kong, another Americans and Arabian Royalty buying over the club has just passed and gone. Come first week of October, we might have a new owner at LFC and all us fans really hope that this time it will happen once an for all. With RBS forcing sale on the club I should think by then there will be more bids from potential buyers. The only thing that I am not happy about is that all the "HOO HAA" from the press when Liverpool Fc plays badly, why are they always picking on LFC? When the team wins, there are no praises, when there are draws they say that the team is not clicking and should have won and the worst of all, when the team loses, the press will blame everything from the boardroom to the kitmen. Why aren't there any bad press on MU, Arsenal, ...